244 research outputs found

    Public-Private Partnerships for E-Government Services: Lessons from Malaysia

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    Implementation of e-government is seen as a tool to improve government service delivery to citizens, businesses and within government agencies. The benefits could be more transparency, greater convenience, less corruption, revenue growth and cost reduction. However, lack of financial resources, and low levels of skills and limited capacity of governments are some of the main obstacles faced in pursuance of e-government nationwide. The introduction of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) is seen as a solution to overcome many of the obstacles and challenges faced by governments in realizing the objectives of e-government projects. PPP model is expected to increase opportunities for both the public and private sectors to serve their customers more effectively and efficiently. The main aim of this paper is to explore the need for PPP in e-government service delivery. This is done by discussing some success stories and looking at lessons learned by the Malaysian government to serve the stakeholders better in line with its vision and mission.- public-private partnership, information, communication, technology, e-government

    Designing Online Discussion Support Systems for Academic Setting- The Wiki Way

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    Implementation Of FEDI: A Pilot Study On The Banking Industry In Malaysia

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    Financial Electronic Data Interchange (FEDI) refers to making cash payment electronically rather than utilizing any from of traditional payment methods such as checks The prime objective of this paper is to ascertain how is FEDI currently being implemented by10 anchor banks in Malaysia. Specifically this paper examines the current business process that facilitates transfer of payment received by banks to its various agents. The paper also examines the security or precautionary measures established by anchor banks while engaging in financial electronic data interchange

    Modelling the underlying behavioural antecedents of the digital divide from the ability, motivation and opportunity framework

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    This paper proposes a model to explain the underlying behavioural antecedents of digital divide in terms of usage of digital technology. Further to the extant conceptualization of ability has the underlying factor of technology usage, we posit an encompassing determinant in terms of individual’s engagement, which is conceptualized from the ability, motivation and opportunity (MAO) framework. Specifically, we identify ability and motivation as the determinants of individual’s usage of digital technology and suggest technology accessibility in terms of opportunity, as the moderator of the relationships

    Outsourcing Practices In Malaysia: A SWOT Analysis On The ICT Industry

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    In the last decade, outsourcing  has emerged as an important tool for enabling business around the world to gain full benefit. As Malaysia develops, the businesses must keep pace with changes that are occurring. Outsourcing initiatives are intended to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the business processes as well as IT performance. The rethinking of business strategies to develop and exploit core competencies, set the outsourcing bandwagon rolling.  It seeks to improve the quality, cost efficiency and seize of competitive advantage. This paper discusses the potential of  Malaysia as a global player for ICT outsourcing. The paper focuses on SWOT analysis of ICT outsourcing in Malaysia. This paper identifies current situations in Malaysia and discuss further with the analysis on strength, weaknesses, opportunity and threats which will give effect to the businesses and society at large. No significantThere is hardly any  study has been carried out on analyzing the ICT outsourcing industry’s potential in Malaysia. This is an emerging industry that Malaysian companies can should focus on by leveraging on thier  and develop the strengths and avoiding the threats within the overall ICT outsourcing foray. The lack of studyies and the potential of this industry in Malaysia, have motivated the authors to write about this topic. research further and contribute to the industry in terms of how to enhance its capabilities. The SWOT analysis will be the basis for the research.Our findings suggests that, Malaysia has the strength of becoming world player in ICT outsourcing because sufficient infrastructure, strategic position of Malaysia and English language is widely spoken. These are the plus points of Malaysia to further excel as the provider of ICT outsourcing. On the other hand, the weaknesses that need to overcome is the low level of  e-readiness in the world ranking. Political will and links with Middle East, China and India are the opportunities for Malaysia to laverage on its strength. However, Malaysia also need to avoid the threats such as slowly loosing competitive edge to lower cost producers namely Vietnam and China. Finally, our paper concludes with some options to enhance the capabilities of Malaysia as ICT outsourcing provider

    Designing Knowledge Management Systems for Teaching and Learning with Wiki Technology

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    A wiki is a group collaboration software tool based on Web server technology. This paper examines the use of a wiki to facilitate knowledge management in an academic setting. We present a case study about how a wiki was used to support collaborative activities in a knowledge management class at a graduate-level information systems and technology school. Our findings suggest that wikis can support collaborative knowledge creation and sharing in an academic environment. Success in attempts to provide such support may depend on: familiarity with wiki technology, careful planning for implementation and use, appropriate class size, and motivation of students to engage in discovery learning

    E-Procurement In Accounting: A Macro Perspective Of Selection Techniques

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    Selecting an E-procurement accounting package is a complex process because of rapidly changing technology and the variety of options proposed by software providers.  There are many e-procurement packages available in the market, but most of these packages simply automate the ordering process.  Using an integrated system to place orders over the Internet can save time, reduce postage and paper cost.  But without integrating e-procurement packages within a company’s finance and accounting systems, one of the largest opportunities for savings is missed out.  To achieve full advantage of e-procurement, the procurement system must be integrated not only within the financial system but also with vendors and customers. There are two main categories of e-procurement solutions: 1) buy-side and 2) marketplace.  While the full range of benefits might be better secured with buy-side procurement solutions, application costs make marketplace solutions more affordable.  For smaller companies, costs of development of buy-side solutions will most often outweigh benefits and therefore marketplace solutions will be more suitable.  For large businesses that choose buy-side solutions, careful evaluation is required in selecting the best software that can best suit the company requirements.  No matter how good a product is, users must still depend on reliable and continued support from vendors

    Managing Knowledge For ESAR: An Ontology-Based Approach

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    Most organizations face difficult challenges in managing knowledge for crisis response, particularly in the context of emergency search and rescue (ESAR) initiatives. It is crucial for response effectiveness that such challenges be overcome.  Organizational members and numerous stakeholders must share the knowledge needed to plan for such eventualities.  They also must be able during a crisis to access relevant plans and communicate about their responses to it.  This paper examines the role and relevance of knowledge management ideals (using an ontology based approach) in support of crisis response, in general, and ESAR, in particular

    Knowledge based emergency management information systems: Mapping DERMIS principles

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    Recent disasters which were composed of major floods and landslides events proved that despite past experiences and strong disaster management mechanism, life and property losses are still unavoidable.Emergency managers need a robust system that can ease the challenges faced. This paper proposes a functional system based on the working principle of The Dynamic Emergency Response Management Information Systems(DERMIS): Design Premise, Conceptual Design, System Specification and Supporting Design Considerations. These four principles are coupled with specific end-user requirements derived from our on-going work. The impact of this study on disaster management is significant to the scientific group within disaster management domain, the government agencies for policy and strategy formulations to preempt, deal with and, ultimately, improve survival rate in disaster

    Panel Discussion: CIO Panel on Ethical Framework for AI & Big Data

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    This panel discussion will bring academia, business and government perspectives on the need for an ethical framework that governs core values and principles for the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data in enterprises. As AI becomes more embedded in enterprise decision making, safeguards need to be in place to periodically ensure that these so-called black box algorithms adhere to the core values of an enterprise. Business leaders have the challenge to be trustworthy in the age of artificial intelligence. They need a new ethical framework that redefines how they use AI in their products and services and innovate safely and confidentiality. This framework will address important ethical issues around fairness, privacy, accountability, interpretability, confirmation bias, and transparency. It will help business leaders in striking a balance between protecting their enterprise IP vs. transparency. There are plenty of examples of unfairness perpetrated by unchecked usage of AI in enterprises – both commercial and government, which Cathy O’ Niel terms as Weapons of Math Destruction (Weapons of Math Destruction by Cathy O’ Niel, Broadway Books, ISBN: 978-0553418835) and Virginia Eubanks equates with Automating Inequality (Automating Inequality by Virginia Eubanks, St. Martin’s Press, ISBN: 978-1250074317). Following are the questions that the panel will try to discuss: a. how do we ensure that the AI models use only those proxy variables that accurately and objectively measure the underlying predictor variables; b. How do we ensure that the data the AI models use to test and train themselves are a true representative of the entire population those models are going to affect; c. How do we ensure that the AI models are set to minimize false positives and false negatives in such a way that the innocent and qualified may not be treated adversely; d. How do we ensure that are algorithms are not second-guessing the very same variables which our institutions and organizations are legally barred Balakrishnan et al. CIO Panel on Ethical Framework for Big Data Proceedings of the Fourteenth Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference, Oshkosh, Wisconsin May 21-22, 2019 2 from using explicitly in decision making; e. How do we ensure that we, as owners and renters of these algorithms, are providing transparent and objective feedback to all stakeholders on how these models function. Then we other issues about the deployment of these systems – a. how can we ensure that the data will not be used for any other purpose not intended or stated during data collection; and b. How do we ensure that these AI models are delivered with a “user manual” on how to feed the data, how to flag inaccurate and missing data, how to interpret the outcomes, when to use and when not to use these models. And above all, how do we ensure that we not only have a sound ethical framework but more importantly how to ensure that the framework is religiously followed, and timely reviewed for its relevance and effectiveness. The unchecked deployment of algorithms in consumerization of insights actioned from AI and Big Data is increasing efficiency at one hand but is also magnifying the inaccuracies and unfairness that existed before these systems were designed and implemented. It is important to analyze how these algorithms exaggerate human biases pertaining to motivated reasoning and confirmation biases among others. An ethical framework is needed to check these algorithms since unfairness is something that no business, institution or society can afford to have
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